
Showing posts from November, 2021

make up blogs

 Its is a whole lot of secrets that has been kept from me. Its a lot of things people will say behind your back when your gone. It can be good things and bad things. But this one is good a secret that was held from me was Christmas i was younger i always wanted a phone and my mom had got me one for Christmas. 

Make up blog

 I remember when I knew I was in trouble this is way back when I was like 7-8. We was staying in krc ridge and me and my cousin stayed ont the same neighborhood. So my cousin would come over my house everyday one day we was there by ourselves and our uncle was supposed to be watching us but they left. So me and my cousin decided to play baseball in the house. As we was playing my cousin threw the soft ball and and swung the bat really hard and it hit the Tv and it broke and I knew I was in trouble.
 Something that I knew was over was this football game we had last year. This was the 3rd round playoffs against crisp county. We was having a good game when the game first started. But the game started going sideways the coaches started making bad descisions by calling the same plays that wasn’t working. 
This is something that was to small for me. A thing that was to small for me was my favorite designer shoes when i finally found them . i wanted these shoes so long and i could never found them. This bother me so this is why i chose to write about it.
 something that I use to know how to do real good was play baseball. I used to be real good at baseball but I don't know if I'm still as good. Another sport i was good at was basketball. These is things I did when i was younger but now my heart is just focused on football but i use to love these sports.
 i forgot a lot of people like NFL stars I use to like. like Odell becham jr when he first came out. he was an outrageous player to me and made a lot of catches and highlight plays i never seen before. Also Cam newton like look how good he use to be compared to him now.
 i think god for waking me up everyday. I also think my mom for bringing me in this world. Especially al the things she did for me. I just fell like I owe her the world and I'm try my best to give it to her. I just always want to see my mom happy ion never wanna see her sad or feeling down. I'm defiantly blessed and thankful for the lord for everything he did and all the obstacles he done put me thru to get me where I'm at today.
 a thing that i have to much of. I have way to many football accessories and a lot of shoes. I say this because i have a closet full of shoes . My shoes be everywhere I got shoes in my closet, my mom closet ,also my garage. I also have a basket full of football stuff . 
 a time I did not have fun at all. This happened a lot of times this year in different occasions. This pass game I didn't have no fun at all we blew them out and had to sit out since second quarter. This is the only thing I can think about a time I didn't have fun when I felt like I should,

make up blogs

 this is something that don't get better. one thing that doesn't get better is my thumb. Every sense this happened i have to tape my thumb every game so it wont hurt bad while playing. this one thing that i do hope to get better though cause when I go to the next level I don't want these problems.

make up blog

 something i can write about that I cant deny. one thing i cant deny is i do have a bad anger problem. i get mad easily also when  I get so mad I don't wont nobody talking to me or all in my face. This is all i can say that ii rally cant deny cause my mom and everyone know.

make up blog

 i can write about my little brother being born. i remember this like it was yesterday. I say that because my mom gave me what i asked for for years. I was the only child always use to be bored and then thats when i finnally met my little brother.

makeup blog

 a time i dressed innapropietly for an occasion was a while back. I defiantly learned my lesson and wont let it happen again. But this was a while back playing middle school football. one day it was super cold at a football game and I didn't have the right things on this probably was one of the coldest nights of my life.

Nobember 15

 I’m today class we really didn’t do anything . Also I had a great day today I learned a lot of new things today . We went over the unpacking this student loan dilemma . Also dealing with student debt and things like that and what schools we want to attend and went over cost every year for college .