
Showing posts from September, 2021
 Todays class was fun today it was more cooler. We was chilling doing work we ain’t have to just sit quiet and work. Class more verbal we was talking got to walk around a Little bit. we turned in our first part of our project also. We turned in a cluster sheet and started our prompt.

Today’s class

 We had a great class today overall . I also had a great day today I learnt a lot of new things and different word. Also we moved around and changed seats . Do yo having that experience it helped me meet new people or even students in my class I never had a conversation with or anything. We moved around/ change seats so we can do out project that our teacher made us get in different groups.

Today’s class

 Today class was good overall we didn’t do nothing to major . All we did was go over our homework and have a debate in class. Also we went over poems that We’ve been going over all week. All we been doing is reading prompts and annotating the text also defining words that we didn’t know.

what I used to know how to do

 I used to know how to do many things when I was younger. I played many sports like basketball, baseball and run track. I found out as I got older it would be best to master one so I choose football. I used to know how to play lots of video games but as I get older like any thing else I grew out of it . 

Something I planned to do

 Something I plan to do is to go to the NFL. I want to go to the NFL so I can make sure my family and I have financial freedom. I plan to be very wealthy so I don’t have to worry about the things I worry about now. I planned to take the stress from my mother and be able to take care of her one day. I planned to do many things in the future. 

Something that doesn’t get better

 Something that I think doesn’t get better is COVID-19. COVID-19 keeps progressing to get worse and worse. Then people refuse to get the vaccine and wear masks and that doesn’t make it any better. The death rate for COVID-19 has gotten lower, but the new strains that keep coming out are not getting any better. COVID-19 is not getting any better.